Every member of a group can communicate with other members in real time using both audio and video. All that is needed is a microphone and a web camera.
Here is a list of the main features:
- Real time audio and video conversations
- Share desktop applications
- File sharing
- Instant text messaging
- Private rooms/channels for every group of users
- High quality audio codecs with both mono and stereo
- Push-to-talk and voice activation
- Record conversations to disk
- Standalone server for both LAN and Internet environments
- User authentication with accounts
- Accessibility for visually impaired
Having these features available makes TeamTalk an excellent choice for online presentations, attending meetings or just do every day chit-chat with friends or collegues, whether they are next door or around the globe.
What's New
New Features and Bug Fixes
The list of changes is very long but hopefully contains the necessary information to try out the new features. Notice that no changes have been made to the TeamTalk server and therefore there's no new release of TeamTalk Pro Server.
Default Qt Client
- "Connect to a Server" and "User Accounts" dialog simplified with multiple sub dialogs
- Redesigned "Sound Events" and "Shortcuts" tabs in "Preferences" dialog
- Table view instead of tree view in "Online Users", "User Accounts", "Banned Users", "Server List", "File List", "Server Properties" and "Preferences" dialogs
- Use Qt checkable flag in user rights list of "User Accounts" dialog to allow screenreader to see if an item is checked
- Fixed state of checkable items in "Preferences", "User Account", "Server properties" dialogs not announce by Voice Over on MacOS
- Fixed labels of edit fields in "Custom Video Format" dialog
- Replaced readonly edit fields by labels in "User Info" and "Server Statistics" dialogs
- Radio buttons for Gender, Sound System and Status mode changed to combo boxes
- Context menu to move banned/unbanned users to banned/unbanned list in "Banned Users" dialog
- "Move Users" dialog from "Users" -> "Advanced" menu item
- "Check for Update" in "Help" menu
- Playback mode "Default" for sound events now also use TeamTalk selected sound device
- Menu to insert MOTD variables in "Server Properties" dialog
- Ability to "join last joined channel" for each server
- Ability to leave current channel from everywhere in main window
- Ability to customize some TTS and status bar messages
- Ability to customize date and time format
- Ability to replace existing file on upload
- Ability to copy all User Info to clipboard in "User Info" dialog
- Ability to sort Ban List
- Ability to hide some elements of main window
- Ability to reorder column of "User Accounts" and "Online Users" dialog
- Ability to search by IP or username in "Banned Users" dialog
- Ability to show password on login error, channel password, channel operator password, and channel share
- Ability to pause Media File streams
- Single dialog to enter username and password on login error and channel share
- Support for Import/Export entire Server List in "Connect to a Server" dialog
- Support Idle Time on Linux (X11)
- Support Qt Accessibility Announcement for TTS events on MacOS and Windows (Qt 6.8)
- Support VoiceOver for TTS events using Apple Script
- Reset label of files list when disconnected from server
- Removed option "Announce server name" from TTS options, use customizable messages instead
- Optional sound event for user typing private message
- Only show available info in "User Info" dialog
- "Voice level" progress bar in Main Window can now get focus
- Transfer progress bar in "File Transfer" dialog can now get focus
- System language used by default
- Locale file size now also use in "File Transfer" dialog
- Locale date time now also use in "About" dialog
- Locale date time in "Banned Users" dialog
- Windows installer translatable
- Windows and macOS updated to Qt v6.8.0-beta2
- OS version displays in user info
Android Client
- Toggle channel operator does not show password dialog if user has user-right to change channel operator